About Us – Best Paid Online Focus Groups

Paidfocusgroups.com.au is a panel of Australians who participate in online research. Anyone can join, and it’s easy to participate – all you need is an email address and access to a device connected to the internet.

Join the online paid focus group panel

This site and panel is owned and operated by Australian Company GQTool Pty Ltd (GroupQuality), an Australian online agile market research software  and insight consulting business. You have piece of mind knowing that we are a real Australian operated business who values your opinion and market research participation. Before signing up you can openly review our Australian privacy policy and terms and conditions of participation.


We focus on two paid focus groups panel member priorities:

Great Experience

Ensuring that we have a great panel of participants for future research projects that will be conducted both by us and other researchers, and making sure that those participants are properly rewarded for their contribution.

Personal Privacy

Ensuring that all our participants data is kept highly secure and any personally identifying information is kept within our servers – no names, emails, addresses or other similar information will be passed on to unauthorised third parties, and you’ll only ever receive communications authorised by us.
Please note: the more you tell us about yourself including your hobbies and interests you will receive more opportunities to participate in online market research. Quite often researchers are very specific, for example they may want to focus on Australians who live in capital cities or who own a certain kind of car. It s this kind of information you can add to your personal profile once you have signup for an account.
Earn rewards and cash for participating in online research